When you pay for insurance, you’re paying for benefits and coverage in the event of an accident. Those benefits and coverage are paid for in the unfortunate event you are in an accident or experience a loss off or from damage to property. If you aren’t getting what you paid the insurance company for, reach out to a Tampa bad faith insurance attorney for help.
You buy an insurance policy to provide you with peace of mind. When you pay monthly premiums, you are expected to receive benefits when you need them. When you have been in an accident, many times you as a consumer may be unsure of how to proceed when dealing with the insurance company.
If the insurance company isn’t negotiating in good faith, contact a Tampa bad faith insurance lawyer at Florida Consumer Law Center, P.A.
We understand how insurance negotiations are supposed to work. We will help you navigate this complicated area of the law while taking the steps necessary to recover the full value of your injury claim.