Our Areas Of Practice | Florida Consumer Law Center
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Areas Of Practice

Debt Related Law Attorneys | Florida Consumer Law Center

If you’re behind in paying your bills or a creditor’s records mistakenly make it appear that you are, a debt collector may be contacting you.

Are you a Florida homeowner currently facing foreclosure and have recently received a summons notifying you of the foreclosure suit filed against you?

Automobile & Injury Law Attorneys | Florida Consumer Law Center

There are many laws to protect consumers from auto fraud. Florida Consumer Law Center will find short summaries of the protections offered under various laws.

Bankruptcy Attorney in Florida | Florida Consumer Law Center

The decision to file Bankruptcy is a very difficult one. The laws and eligibility requirements can be confusing.

Credit Report Disputes | Florida Consumer Law Center

Has something been reported to your credit incorrectly or fraudulently to the credit bureaus?